Roya Arab

Iranian Musician and Archaeologist

I. L’etranger
II. L’etranger (Arab, Naab)

Somewhere there’s a surprise for you and me
Higher frequency, for you and me
For you and me

Whirling in motion, dance to release
Whirling in motion, dance to release

In a park by a stream
Dance for me, Whirling in motion
Dance to release
In a park by a stream
Dance for me, dance for me

Let the rains ease pores polluted
Air and man, spirit and sand
Decades weight, decades weight

Finery clothed thy flesh
Cravings lined thy purse
Desire guided thy way
Illusion dulled thy pain

Dance for me, dance for me
Whirling in motion
Dance to release

In a park by a stream
Dance for me, dance for me
Your movement brings me joy
Let my eyes caress your form

Now that you’re gone
My father my root
My mother my truth
By a river in a field lets dance
By a river in a field lets dance

Dance for me, dance for me
Whirling in motion
Dancing to bring
Dance for me, dance for me
Your movement brings me joy
An end to my, to your, to our woes.